M ission impossable but not for these three men they were succseceful to tell everyone.
I nto the ninhgt to save the day PAUL REVER and his FRIENDS save the day
D own to lexington to help these people today.
N ear the church there were two lanterns they ment ” ONE IF dy LAND , TWO IF DY SEA.
I n total braveness they helped out.
G oing to lexinhton to stop a great war.
H e went to many towns to tell people about the red coats.
T he minutmen are norrmal people but,when they are needed they are ready in around one minut.
R arely you see people like these,Paul Rever,William Daws,Sammul Prescot.
I nstead of being a stand by they went to the danger.
D ay 18th of april ,1775 three men set off on a mission to succses.
E arly that morning the three men stood there and they had nothing to be afraid of.